All hail Corona Mondays! Yesterday would mark the last Corona Monday of the 34DoC! And we went enjoyed it in style!
A large group gathering enjoyed the company and laughter amongst each other in anoter joyous celebration. The Corona’s kept flowing like the chocolate in Mr. Wonka’s factory. You gotta love drink specials! As usual, the picture messages recorded the event. As ridiculous as this whole event may seem, it will be something we’ll never regret. I already feel like I’m going to miss this and we still have a solid week left!
All the time and memories built during the 34 Days of Christmas is just awesome. Everyone that has made this thing as successful as it has been so far are just awesome and great friends. It’s friends like this that make you thankful for so many things, including the dedication to the 34 Days of Christmas. Slightly exagerrated, John, sent us a txt message saying, "My mind isnt as sharp
anymore, body is breaking down, job performance is on a steady decline, behind in my bills, family losing respect, but yet i find the courage to carry on, happy day 26!!" And as the night expired John sent another picture message, the one of the dreaded bill(s), it’s all worth it though. We all know this.
Update: Dave (I think you all know where he lives)
Here is Dave again, and a message, "happy 26. home stretch now."
Have fun in the home stretch!!