Day 21

Well yesterday was an interesting day. All grown up and 21. It was an interesting night, to say the least. Day 21 - John’s Beer Marv and John met up at Wild Bill’s to kick start the night. Marv went out to West Bloomfield and well John went home. I was out in Eastpointe discussing some business things and happen to get a phone call from my cousin whom wanted us to share a little insight on the 34 Days of Christmas. So what the hell, I called up the VicRock show and gave them some words. Click the play button below to take a listen to what was said.

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Also from what you heard in that call, I’ve set up the PayPal donations. You can find the button on the left navigation bar. We appreciate any amount you are willing to donate. Tis the season to giving! And we’ll make sure your gift will be well enjoyed during the 34 Days of Christmas!

As the night continued to get later Day 21 - Anthony’s Shot-o-Jager I ended up just driving home, after driving half way across town. Sat down, poured myself a nice shot of Jager, picked up my new magazine issue (which ironically says, “What happens in Vegas”, on the cover…haha) and took a shot. Strange to just take a shot alone, in the comfort of your own home, but this is the 34DoC, no stopping now!

Day 21 - Dave’s BeerUpdate: Dave from Minnesota
Dave, once again, sent us a photo with a message, “Happy 21 to all”

Day 21 - Neil mad at wineUpdate: Neil from home
Obviously Neil is mad at his wine, his words, “angry at white wine on day a million and a half”

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